this week but I was indeed! a school for hours in the whole school. I do not know how I do that when I am in Germany again and somehow get through the Colleges must.
last night so again depo with valerie and
in the box , we have made totally clever and scheming to go there without Belgium and Australia and were looking forward already full, then meet but salvis on the street and looked quite beautiful annoyed out and said in the most beautiful German "I am angry. real. STUPID pallets. I hate pallets. that are so stupid!" what really happened, we should find, however, no more, he had to go to the depo because his guitar to accommodate. at least he had the list here.
valerie and I have gone to a beer bar in the old town hostel, there were a lot of English who somehow talked too fast and other weird people.
then later about the road OVER Make sure the depo, equal fourth on the guest list, it is always better. But then the first shock: new stamp. we had already planned to leave us almost mad tattooed die because always the same and are now the invisible things so stupid that you see only in black light. The second shock: nothing going on in the depo. well, it was also wednesday, but a bit more people would be able to get there '. they had then with the beer prices go up because it probably occurs when income had not, half the people there band members, the other half the people on the guest list were the (now it should still be a third half, but more on that later ...) played
Neviens nezin , (ne) product (the most terrible band name at all, I think) in the box with the Danish band
gob squad or whatever. Perhaps even more there.
ours was bassist Raivis properly hobble on, Norman was silent as always and salvis was busy with his girlfriend once came the chaotic manager running up, who had forgotten in his hectic pace that we thick German girl, and cried in the past run only "ew! Health ir salvis?", ich bezweifle dass er mein "varbūt augša?" ueberhaupt noch gehoert hat.
dann nahm sich kārlis unser an. nachdem man mit kārlis geredet hat fuehlt man sich immer als waere einem das hirn zermatscht worden. kostproben: "so did you removed to the riga?" "i am one half german, one half russian and one half...." (die dritte haelfte hab ich nichtmehr mitgekriegt weil ich mich so ueber die anderthalb kārlise gefreut habe), auf die frage was der basser mit seinem bein angestellt hat antwortete er, dass in the box vielleicht bald mit der tollsten stockholmer punkrockband auftreten werden und ausserdem hat er gestern auch noch jubilaeum gefeiert, denn gestern vor einem halben jahr kam er wieder aus london zurueck. "what did you do in London? "" I studied a little bit. "aha, one of three half vin Karlis studied so a little bit. if one has studied in London a bit would be necessary to actually can speak English reasonably well, but I've always very big problems to understand the Lord. shortly before two, we were thrown out of the landfill anyway because almost no one was there and sat for another five hours just returned to the hostel bar.
a drunk played Daene there just the entertainers, a cute band was sleepy and then we'll always angegaehnt very cute, the British came back and asked me a thousand times if I do not really like the football game had gone out and I chatted a bit with the dj from depo. He said he also play in a band and next Friday they would occur in the depo, if we do not come Woeller, Valerie began rumzudrucksen occurs because of so expensive and so on, I was at this late / early hour too insensitive for such rhetorical tricks and simply said, clearly, we sit on the guest list and we are coming! hey presto, he had my name entered in handy. So quickly go in in the box so we had to sweat blood and water until we had so far. we learned that the band all day long
is that we found before that anyway somewhat great. at some point were only the Dane, his girlfriend, Valerie and I left and heard this Daene Just not to talk to, very terrible. He then told his girlfriend to catch up my cell phone number and invited us for next Thursday or Friday to an intercultural party. peach. but at least he has a star tattooed on your wrist. at home we went dead into bed and fell for this ridiculous night the school had to suffer again.