scene Stuttgart Fanfiction Chapter 5 Title: Amok
Author: Kessel_KSL
Beta: Nope.
fandom: crime scene Stuttgart
Pairing: Lannert / Bootz
Rating: PG 16, because drama and blood
Disclaimer: ARD.
Content: Sebastian is shot.
blood. Blood everywhere. Sebastian's blood.
were by any stupid mistakes they come fully into the firing line and had barely had time to react before the bullets used to it.
The ball he had caught somewhere on the chest, now warm blood ran down on Tony's hands, he pressed on the upper body of his colleague.
"Now help me but one," he yelled over to the SEC, which apparently still had not noticed that Sebastian had been shot. Thorsten cut him as gently as possible, a few meters away and pressed his body against his.
"Hey, Basti! The emergency physician is the same! Make 'no shit just now, are you listening? Stay with me, "he said
insistently at him, waiting for a response. Sebastian's eyelids twitched at last, but he failed to open his eyes. The minutes until the ambulance arrived it seemed like several hours.
"Go away from him! We have to get to the hospital! " Thorsten was rudely pushed aside by the emergency physician before several men gathered around the wounded Sebastian.
paralyzed as he stared at his bloodied hands, did not notice that he was towed by anyone to the ambulance. In addition to the ambulance was crushed. He heard medical terms that made no sense. The sick bright lighting inside the car left the situation will only appear surreal.
Without that he had noticed, he had grabbed Sebastian's hand, held firmly between his own, felt the cold that emanated from it.
, stop by, Basti! "He implored all the time inside and broke out first as the beeping of the surveillance monitor in a frantic staccato, he returned, if not quite, back to reality.
"Away from patients! Charge to 200! - And away "
The defibrillator an electrical pulse sent through Sebastian's body.
"Charging to 300! - And away "
again. Thor did not look, could not look. But the beeping resumed a normal rhythm.
"We have him back! "
Thorsten breathed in relief, even though he knew that nothing had been decided that the bullet was still in his chest.
"You can not here by! This is the emergency room! Moreover, they are not a member of the family! Wait here. "
The nurse had resolutely made his way as he tried to follow the emergency physician.
"But I am his partner! Let me through, damn it! "
" I'm sorry explicitly, but you must wait here! We will inform you. "
resignation he turned on the woman, looking for a toilet. Almost scrubbed the skin of the hands, as if to get rid of the blood. Washed her face, felt a bit more like a human.
coated The hours in the waiting room itself endlessly. He could not concentrate on anything, do not read newspapers or follow the television program. His gaze was fixed on the white wall. He did not take with that Nika sat beside him for a few hours, not registered their presence nor their walking.
His thoughts on the other hand ran amok.
As they were in this Bullets come from? It had been an almost routine access. They received the crucial information on the drug ring. Did the dealer bust. Nothing that they had not done many times before. And someone had messed up. Someone had not seen a dealer. He had to have holed up. They had just been there to put the safety of the West and get into the team bus when the shooting occurred.
What a fucking rookie mistakes! And now Sebastian was perhaps about to die! Because of such banality!
Thorsten buried his face in his hands. It could not be true that he is again the man was taken, which he loved! That had already come to an end what had just established the first between them. Scenes from last year appeared in his mind's eye.
Sebastian, as he was completely ready appeared on his doorstep. The red and swollen cheek, his eyes filled with tears. That was the same evening, when he, or rather his wife had left him. He had looked terrible. Had gone through half of Stuttgart with his bag to him.
Mrs. Alvarez and her as she left the court. Sebastian had to be sued for visitation rights. The action went through all the Instances of the court system and had been a single nerve-racking battle. Ultimately, he got visitation rights. Once a month his children were with them. It was not much, but still a success. And he had rarely seen Sebastian so happy as on that day and for him, it was as if he had got a real family.
The office party, where they were at some point so drunk that they had kissed before all.
But not all memories were sunshine. Thorsten remembered only too well the moments of doubt.
When anonymous letters, had to get colleagues' where as they were called shame on the police force '. Thorsten knew that something would happen sooner or later, but Sebastian is met even harder than him. He had been Thorsten, that he had even thought about a separation or to change jobs.
And when he had to confess to Sebastian that he had spent a night with Tom, when Sebastian was on a training course in Berlin. They had been fighting and some of it was terrible to china that is broken. And yet, together they had torn themselves had to speak after a week without each other, bury the hatchet. Yes, all that they had welded together, it only confirms that it has done the right thing.
"Mr. Lannert?
A voice roused him from his thoughts.
His voice was scratchy.
"He comes through. Now you can to your partners. "
" man. "Improved Thorsten him softly.