Friday, December 31, 2010
Crissy From Nadine Jansen
Have long
posted anything. So here the same clenched roar. My Christmas cards. Whoever finds his looks, that through the direct flash (did not stated) was lost much of the colors.
Then came some questions, such as those made .... I've got it right I just did this year. The backgrounds are sprayed with Glimmer Mist colors. The deer are easy transfer of gold foils. The are so ready to support the film, one she hangs up and rub your finger over it so long until it adheres to the surface. Funny is that I really got a finger with which it went really well. With any other I could not get the power aufbringen, die Tiere aufzurubbeln. Was am Ende dazu führte, dass ich 2 Tage lang das Gefühl hatte, als hätte ich eine riesige Blase am Zeigefinger ;) Was ich nicht alles für euch tue! *grins*
Friday, December 24, 2010
How To Get To The Bottomless Pit In Kh
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
What Is The Best Natural Prostate Remedy
stolen from stolen failte_aoife , who stole it from isiscaughey
I know very little about some of the people on my friends list. Some people I know relatively well. But here's a thought: why not take this opportunity to tell me a little something about yourself. Any old thing at all. Just so the next time I see your name I can say: "Ah, there's so and so...she likes office supplies." I'd love it if every single person who friended me would do this. (Yes, even you people who I know really well. Then post this in your own journal. In return, ask me anything you'd like to know about me and I'll give you an answer.)
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Wiring Diagram For Alpine Cde 9852
Which year would you consider the best of your life so far?
Von nightsongstress vorgeschlagen
This year so far. I finished school, found a good university, where i can fullfill my dreams, a nice job at a guitar manufacturer. Attended a lot of concerts and festivals. Met a lot of new people. Everything.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
What Do Pregnancy Cramps Feel Like
Title: Everytime we touch
Rating: PG-13 , maximum PG-15, slash
Pairing: Mark van Bommel / Arjen Robben and The Dutch OTP
Language: German
don ; words: 5x 100 = 500
Warning: fluff and a little h / c, slash, changing PoV
Disclaimer: Just my humble thoughts on the following pictures. I do not know either Mark van Bommel Arjen Robben still personally. And character assassination I would also not commit. And money certainly will not.
Summary: 5 images, 5 moments between Mark and Arjen.
AN: The first time RPS long, I hope it's not too terrible. And probably also the first FF to this pairing. Clicking on the title you can access the images. And if you want to listen to the song, take the original version (There follows a second part soon ... There are too many pictures ...)
The game is over. Over. And we have lost.
I can still Scared. Sitting on the lawn. Just feel my blood rushing through the empty body. Did not stand up to power. Mark
occurs suddenly before me. If I want to. Nah. I can feel its warmth. I would definitely like to at this moment. Mark leans over me, his head leaning against my forehead. Remains for some moments silent.
intensified the gesture in which he wraps his head with my hands. This is Mark's kind donation to comfort me. And then I feel my heart again.
Take me higher
Arjen is he jumped in his jubilation on the back. Celebrates his goal. Roars his delight out loud. Mark has to laugh, can be carried away by Arjen. Grasp it with both arms to the rear. Keeps him firmly on his back.
Feel Arjen's firm grip on his shoulder. The vibration of his chest in his own back. Mark has his hands on Arjen's ass slip. Do not wait long for a response.
Arjen bends over him, leans closer to him. Strong arms wrap around neck cord. It is only a brief contact in his ear. Arjen's lips. Hot breath. Whispered words.
dream couple
The pride of them written on their faces. The DFB Cup after all, is not easy to win. And she, two Dutch, have contributed to the fact that their team won the Cup of the German Football Association.
Together they keep the heavy trophy, the smile comes from the soul, will now distribute evening not so easy. His free arm around each of them have set another. Show that it is not only the power of success, but also the friendship. Far from the place. Far from captain and players.
Mark and Arjen. The Dutch dream pair. Not only on the football field.
Mark comes running to him, more slides on the rain-soaked turf. The arms in victory pose, from his throat penetrates a mighty cry. He made the decisive goal. They played free. brought to victory.
Marks goal celebration is intense, intoxicating. Arjen not know better, you could interpret it as a cry of rage. But he knows Mark. Better than anyone else in the team. He knows the situations in which Mark just screams. If
Arjen lays it flat. Mark on the outside, if it is taken. may give up completely. But he thought it would be better to pick up after the game. To implement them.
I my arms close to Arjen, reciprocate his detached laugh. Endorphins rushing through my body.
I'd prefer it did not let go. Just enjoy the happiness of this moment. The sun on my skin, Arjen's touch. His strong body of mine. The cheerful voice in my ear. Which ensures that to establish the fine hairs on my neck.
patter All these sensations to me, I did not make it easier to Arjen back on the body impose a kiss, just to perfect the moment. In order to show him at last that my gestures are not only based on friendship.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
How Long Takes Sore Snowboarding First Time -heel
I just stole it from nessaniel and felinarian ...
1) The ones I choose:
1. Franz Leitmayr
2. Thorsten Lannert
3. Cenk Batu
4. Carlo Menzinger
5. KF Boerne
6. Sebastian Bootz
7. Til Ritter
8. Viktor de Man
9. Felix Stark
10. Ivo Batic
11. Uwe Kohnau
12. Franz Kappl
2.) The Questions:
01.) Have you ever read a Six/Eleven fanfic before?
A Bootz/ Kohnau fanfic? I have to deny. And I think I won’t read it anyway, since both have their partners…
02.) Do you think Four is hot? How hot?
Carlo. Yeah, he’s hot! Even when he wears the most ugliest clothes in older episodes. And bonus, he’s cute and adorable <3
03.) What would happen if Twelve got Eight pregnant?
Kappl getting de Man pregnant? This will never happen!
04.) Do you recall any fics about Nine?
About Felix Stark? Yes, I do. For example felinarian and nessaniel wrote some.
05.) Would Two and Six make a good couple?
Yep! Lannert and Bootz are SO canon!
06.) Five/Nine or Five/Ten?
Boerne/ Stark or Boerne/ Batic. Neither. Sorry, this just won’t fit. But if I had to choose… Maybe Boerne/ Stark. But I dunno why.
07.) What would happen if Seven walked in on Two and Twelve having sex?
Till Ritter walking in on Lannert/ Kappl having sex. This will hopefully never happen!
08.) Make up a summary of a Three/Ten Fanfic.
Cenk Batu/ Ivo Batic. Uhm, it will contain a lot of swearing in foreign languages and some fights due to the fact they are Turkish and Croatian.
09.) Is there any such thing as a One/Eight fluff?
Franz Leitmayr/ Victor de Man. I read about them, because anionoracle wrote a ficlet about them. But it was no real fluff. Anf Fics containing de Man can never be fluff.
10.) Suggest a title for a Seven/Twelve Hurt/Comfort fic.
Ritter/ Kappl. Despite the fact that Ritter belongs to Stark… Maybe… Something like ‘Stronger’ or ‘Save me’… I dunno… This pairing is too unreal.
11.) If you had to walk home through a bad neighbourhood late at night, would you feel safer in the company of 7 or 8?
Ritter or de Man. Hard decision. They both won’t be safe near me… But I would choose Victor… For obvious reasons.
12.) Does anyone on your friends list read Three het?
No. Cenk and Uwe are OTP.
13.) Does anyone on your friends list write or draw Eleven?
I drew him myself, lots wrote about him.
14.) Would anyone on your friends list write Two/Four/Five?
Lannert/ Menzinger/ Boerne. I hope not.
15.) What might Seven scream at a moment of great passion? :3
Ritter… Maybe he would mix up some names? Or just growl like an animal… Like all fangirls are dreaming of…
16.) If you wrote a song-fic about Eight, what song would you choose?
Victor de Man… Uhm, something melancholic. Like... *peeks at itunes* 'keine lieder über liebe' by Hansen Band
17.) If you wrote a One/Six/Twelve fic, what would the warning be?
Leitmayr/ Bootz/Kappl. It definitely would be ‘dialect overkill’ since we all know Basti can speak swabian.
18.) What might be a good pick-up line for Ten to use on Two?
Batic on Lannert. I just WON’T think about it. NOOOO!
19.) When was the last time you read a fic about Five?
About Boerne - Must have been ‘Ideale Türen öffnen sich nach innen’ by cara_melodi.
20.) What is Six's super-secret kink?
Bootz’ secret kink? Let me guess… His boots from one of his theatre plays? Would be funny!
21.) Would Eleven get in bed with Nine? Drunk or sober?
Uwe and Felix? I think, they won’t get in bed anyway. But if, sober, because they both don’t drink. But if it’s crack, they will be drunken beyond all borders.
22.) What would 5 most likely be arrested for?
Boerne would be arrested for ‘Ruhestörung’ by Thiel. Because Boerne listens to classic all the time and Thiel is his neighbor… You see the connection?
23.) "One (Leitmayr) and Nine (Stark) are in a happy relationship until Nine (Stark) suddenly runs off with Four (Menzinger). One (Leitmayr), broken-hearted, has a hot one-night stand with Eleven (Kohnau) and a brief unhappy affair with Twelve (Kappl), then follows the wise advice of Five (Boerne) and finds true love with Three (Batu)." What title would you give this fic?
Despite this would be pure mindfuck… And Franz is just broken- hearted because Carlo is the one Felix runs away with… I would name it… ‘Love connection’ And WHY do I have ideas for Franz/ Franz?
24.) Name three of your friends who might read it.
I hope none!
25.) Name one person who should write it.
See 24.)
26.) How would you feel if Seven/Eight was canon?
Ritter/ de Man. I would feel disgusted. This won’t work together.
27.) Who would make a better college professor: 6 or 11?
Bootz or Kohnau. Uhm. Kohnau. He’s Cenk’s boss so teaching is his most easiest task.
28.) Do you think 2 is hot? How hot?
Thorsten Lannert. Yeah, he’s hot. But somehow in an unusual way. Not classical hot, like Bootz.
29.) Does anyone on your friends list read 7 slash?
Till Ritter. Yes… I think all of them read slash with him, when they read one of the Berlin fics.
30.) 12 sends 8 on a mission. What is it and does it succeed?
Kappl sends de Man on a mission? I guess not! :D It might be bringing good cases to Saarbrücken. An Victor will succeed! He always does!
and please excuse my english.. I haven't spoken since Abitur.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Kiwi Parade Gloss Colours
Today was the big day. I was saying in Tannöd, and I have to, it was worth it!
So, let's start with the movie itself.
It is directly pushed into the plot and the Danner family and the new maid, Mary, who are later found dead on the Murder Farm-yard, are introduced. Right at the beginning where there is gloomy, almost hostile atmosphere and blessed as a viewer you noticed right away that at the Danner family something can not vote.
starts the same time, the second time level, 2 years after the murder on the Murder Farm-yard, Katherine, the daughter of a maid from the village to return to after the Death of her mother to attend the funeral. With their emergence, the murder of the then current and the resulting rumors boil again.
The suspicion is around gelengt on the inhabitants of the village and the atmosphere thickens watching. Mainly by Trudel warriors, the sister of the murdered maid, who burst into the celebration of Kathleen's death and mother expresses suspicions.
by little, mostly by well-used flashbacks, the audience learns of the events on the Danner farm. The father, a cantankerous Patriarch raped his own daughter and has (presumably) two or three children fathered with her, is in debt and is generally very unpopular bei den Dorfbewohnern. Jeder könnte ein Motiv gehabt haben.
Kathrin wird immer tiefer in den Strudel aus Verdächtigungen und aufkochenden Gefühlen gezogen, da sie auch auf eigene Hand Nachforschungen anstellt. Sie beginnt außerdem eine Affäre mit Johann Hauer, dem Sohn der Familie, in der ihre Mutter gearbeitet hat. Zudem kommt heraus, dass sie selbst aus einer 'Affäre' ihrer Mutter mit dem Danner stammt.
Durch eine weitere Rückblende erfährt man letztendlich wer der Mörder ist, zu dem durch die sich teilweise schon überschlagenden Ereignisse und 'Indizien'.
Wer nun der Mörder ist, lasse ich an dieser Stelle offen, wenn es jemand wissen möchte, dann bitte personal message.
To Filip:
So now tell the Fangirl, Part
Well, I better that he did not look quite as good as ever, what could hatben but concerned that his clothes were just totally ugly. Good, but otherwise, good acting performance, also had with as little text as he did. Therefore, it is also hard to believe that he has a Belgian accent, and not even begin to speak Bavarian. Positive well its a howling scene noticed. Yes, the man sitting by the fire and begins to howl like a dog lock. I had to briefly on the lips bite not to squeal too loud. And it was just nice to see him on the big screen.
picture and sound guidance to:
me for precisely that is always a big factor when I see a movie. And here I was again fully convinced.
flashbacks and-now scenes are wonderful visual means, such as differences in color temperature and separated from each other Intenistät so that you keep in sudden cuts on top and it compresses the atmosphere, especially during the flashbacks immensely. Gives them almost a bit surreal, and eerie bedrohnliches.
are very often used in artistic images, for example, often are the pine tree tops or a kind of 'frog eye' showed up at the pine trees. To which is often played with the picture of focus, but never so much that I've seen as disruptive or overly gimmicky, but very beneficial to establish mood and tension.
The soundtrack in this film was purely orchestral music, which was deemed very discreetly in the background, but has nevertheless always accompanied the subliminal scenes. I msste watch the movie again, and probably pay more attention to issues, etc., because this time I too intoxicated by the powerful imagery and the story was, but the music has done well and supports the spooky mood.
That was it then from my side. An up to the last exciting, gripping film that shines with exellent actor and transported this true story incredibly well. Nevertheless, he is probably not for the very faint-hearted among us, as it already carries a high underlying creepiness. Filip and has a 'I carry only a Unterhemd' scene.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Raf Pilot Hayfever Symptom Free
Have you ever secretly loved someone you should not have? If so, did you confess your feelings? Any regrets either way?
Uhm, it's more like a long time crush and it's kinda weird. I confessed nothing, so there's just little to regret, maybe not confessing .. I dunno
Monday, July 12, 2010
Headache2 Weeks Postpartum
Fine images were you chosen as, Nessa: D
The coke sniffing Snow White. Yes, I've found somewhere once found (probably in the depths of Photobucket) and praise as a standard icon. Shows to me that everyone has a bad side to that you can not live forever. And that no one is perfect and it always (or often) is a blemish, the one often perceives at first glance does not, but who eventually comes to light. How that relates to his own life, can be interpreted any even ...
One of my favorite scene pairs and one of the best scenes: D And the love of Stuttgart are pure, I must mention yes or no extra ... This, in simple love and fangirl-like used for discussions on the two or confidential content.
A (plot) Bunny icon, because I herzallerliebst \u0026lt;3 was intended for discussion or story writer's block or cute things.
A girlish shopping best friends icon. (Write because I could start again what ... The Amazon has delivered ...) For future bragging and girlish with newly acquired consumer
intended for the Büchermeme that I will soon start times should and also I like 'Alice in Wonderland', especially the old series in which it carries such a strange orange dress (which I did but found no icons)
A Grey's Anatomy icon and Fangirlglück: D My favorite series for 'Queer as Folk' (and in some ways also the scene of the crime). Yes, the two most sexiest men Derek Shepard and Marc Sloan or Patric Dempsey and Eric Dane and they are so slashy: D \u0026lt;3 and good looking (? I mentioned this already) and cut out sayings and horny aaw ~ even if they have women's stories they are great and yes ... Moreover, they are happy together bitter, but may also bicker like an old married couple. I love her and I love this series
Monday, May 24, 2010
What Do I Write In A Baptism Card
I'm done! Today, the rest colored, the background to complete, corrected minor mistakes and TA-DA! All great, even the little things that annoyed me yesterday.
The result
work: ~ 15h
mood: VERY good:)
Music: Radio and "The Devil Wears Prada": D Super Film \u0026lt;3
Masterbation With Thrush
me today because ImageShack like it's pictures:)
I hope you like them:) Of course the colors look a little different in kind from, but so what?
now think I just have suitable background colors and then it will be ready soon:)
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Chronic Sinusitis; Dark Urine
declare me crazy, but today I have almost all the colored fanart! Except for Hamburg, and the (partial) backgrounds, everything is ready.
was course everything is not free from frustration and I have in the meantime 5 M: minutes thinking about the whole project to finish. Yes, shame on my head, but I was really really pissed off - but I think it can be (almost) everything saved.
That's the spot / the paper resolution of horror ... I hope I can somehow hide it ... If not - Hm
Damigen imageshack hates this evening, there are pictures tomorrow - I'm really sorry :-(
But - shall I make you aware of my new icon: D \u0026lt;3
workload: uh ... ~ 13h
mood: Hokayem:)
Music: Jan Delay, James Blunt, Radio, Pussycat Dolls ...
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Fotos Brazilian Tranny
Yes, I have plenty of time not reported, but there's also the RL and there would also be regulated and what was my motivation a short vacation - or something: D
BUT I'm done with the pencil drawing (!)! So very real and complete! \\ (^_^)/ YAY!
So there is also a high quality, but unfortunately slightly blurry photo. I've still not out so the photograph reasonable and, above all, straight from the top, so it's a little wrong. Nevertheless, once the overall impression. I hope you like it.
Time: 9am ~
mood: okay / YAY finished first
Music: Jan Delay - Mercedes Dance We tell
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
When Will My Clamydia Symptons Clear
... or just a bit.
So, I'm grad almost finished with the pencil drawing, then I'll start later this week with the coloring, which I will not frustrate hope so because it is not a watercolor paper (which had me in A2 10 & € ;! cost 1 sheet) and so I probably do first 'ne Probezeichnugn, as is the case, the ink on the paper and whether and how to curl and so on!. Results determined funny results!
What else? My father has carved out with the coolest award on the image. He saw it the first time on Sunday. Then so can I watch on it - even recognized that the Commissioners And then also gave good constructive criticism. And then said very disappointed, "Where 's honest and Cain?" XD I could not - the tone was simply divine: D
Today I will probably get no more or no state update to make because I was the picture I have of the Berliners me off ... maybe someone has a good, nice with the two? Or I can 'nen Screen chic make irgendnem episode? That would be great! \u0026lt;3
Monday, May 17, 2010
Aluminium Boat Blue Print
I nourish the first home stretch! Heuraka! Except for the last two commissioners, I'm done with pencil drawings! Feeling pretty good, although I'm not 100% satisfied with everything ...
So, even upload two pictures and statistics:) A very detailed report will give it good times at the end, I currently have only 'nen laptop there with a spackigen keyboard and the PC is connected to the rational in' precious space of just renovated. And yes, must be revised Cenk head * is upset *> (
time: (very) roughly 7-8 hours
mood: YAY! Stretch / a bit frustrated
Music: Audio book "Venus in Furs" / Schandmaul live / radio
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Can You Get Fired For Going To Rehab
Saturday, May 15, 2010
The Proposal Dvd Rip Online
Title: Amok
Author: Kessel_KSL
Beta: Nope.
fandom: crime scene Stuttgart
Pairing: Lannert / Bootz
Rating: PG 16, because drama and blood
Disclaimer: ARD.
Content: Sebastian is shot.
blood. Blood everywhere. Sebastian's blood.
were by any stupid mistakes they come fully into the firing line and had barely had time to react before the bullets used to it.
The ball he had caught somewhere on the chest, now warm blood ran down on Tony's hands, he pressed on the upper body of his colleague.
"Now help me but one," he yelled over to the SEC, which apparently still had not noticed that Sebastian had been shot. Thorsten cut him as gently as possible, a few meters away and pressed his body against his.
"Hey, Basti! The emergency physician is the same! Make 'no shit just now, are you listening? Stay with me, "he said
insistently at him, waiting for a response. Sebastian's eyelids twitched at last, but he failed to open his eyes. The minutes until the ambulance arrived it seemed like several hours.
"Go away from him! We have to get to the hospital! " Thorsten was rudely pushed aside by the emergency physician before several men gathered around the wounded Sebastian.
paralyzed as he stared at his bloodied hands, did not notice that he was towed by anyone to the ambulance. In addition to the ambulance was crushed. He heard medical terms that made no sense. The sick bright lighting inside the car left the situation will only appear surreal.
Without that he had noticed, he had grabbed Sebastian's hand, held firmly between his own, felt the cold that emanated from it.
, stop by, Basti! "He implored all the time inside and broke out first as the beeping of the surveillance monitor in a frantic staccato, he returned, if not quite, back to reality.
"Away from patients! Charge to 200! - And away "
The defibrillator an electrical pulse sent through Sebastian's body.
"Charging to 300! - And away "
again. Thor did not look, could not look. But the beeping resumed a normal rhythm.
"We have him back! "
Thorsten breathed in relief, even though he knew that nothing had been decided that the bullet was still in his chest.
"You can not here by! This is the emergency room! Moreover, they are not a member of the family! Wait here. "
The nurse had resolutely made his way as he tried to follow the emergency physician.
"But I am his partner! Let me through, damn it! "
" I'm sorry explicitly, but you must wait here! We will inform you. "
resignation he turned on the woman, looking for a toilet. Almost scrubbed the skin of the hands, as if to get rid of the blood. Washed her face, felt a bit more like a human.
coated The hours in the waiting room itself endlessly. He could not concentrate on anything, do not read newspapers or follow the television program. His gaze was fixed on the white wall. He did not take with that Nika sat beside him for a few hours, not registered their presence nor their walking.
His thoughts on the other hand ran amok.
As they were in this Bullets come from? It had been an almost routine access. They received the crucial information on the drug ring. Did the dealer bust. Nothing that they had not done many times before. And someone had messed up. Someone had not seen a dealer. He had to have holed up. They had just been there to put the safety of the West and get into the team bus when the shooting occurred.
What a fucking rookie mistakes! And now Sebastian was perhaps about to die! Because of such banality!
Thorsten buried his face in his hands. It could not be true that he is again the man was taken, which he loved! That had already come to an end what had just established the first between them. Scenes from last year appeared in his mind's eye.
Sebastian, as he was completely ready appeared on his doorstep. The red and swollen cheek, his eyes filled with tears. That was the same evening, when he, or rather his wife had left him. He had looked terrible. Had gone through half of Stuttgart with his bag to him.
Mrs. Alvarez and her as she left the court. Sebastian had to be sued for visitation rights. The action went through all the Instances of the court system and had been a single nerve-racking battle. Ultimately, he got visitation rights. Once a month his children were with them. It was not much, but still a success. And he had rarely seen Sebastian so happy as on that day and for him, it was as if he had got a real family.
The office party, where they were at some point so drunk that they had kissed before all.
But not all memories were sunshine. Thorsten remembered only too well the moments of doubt.
When anonymous letters, had to get colleagues' where as they were called shame on the police force '. Thorsten knew that something would happen sooner or later, but Sebastian is met even harder than him. He had been Thorsten, that he had even thought about a separation or to change jobs.
And when he had to confess to Sebastian that he had spent a night with Tom, when Sebastian was on a training course in Berlin. They had been fighting and some of it was terrible to china that is broken. And yet, together they had torn themselves had to speak after a week without each other, bury the hatchet. Yes, all that they had welded together, it only confirms that it has done the right thing.
"Mr. Lannert?
A voice roused him from his thoughts.
His voice was scratchy.
"He comes through. Now you can to your partners. "
" man. "Improved Thorsten him softly.
Custom Bowling Balls In Columbus Ohio
Title: Fuck Bureau
Author: Kessel
Beta: Still not
fandom: crime scene Stuttgart
Pairing: Lannert / Bootz or here Bootz / Julia
Warning / Rating: PG 13, and a bit of strong language
Disclaimer: All ARD. Still.
Content: Sebastian needs to tell his wife that is between him and Thor.
Even before he could put the key into the lock, the door has been flung open by Julia.
"Where were you?"
nothing. No greeting. He had expected nothing else. "... We had to presidium solve the case. I had no time "
None Time for what? To call me? But I had to call time on your goddamn shit-presidency! And you know what they've told me? That you've made Friday by two as any other workday. And now it is Sunday evening! Sunday night, you understand the Sebastian? Is that still purely in your head? And where were you at all the whole time? "
it was down the hall to make it into the kitchen, he leaned against the kitchen, which was upset in the doorway, his face red with hectic dotted spots.
"Now tell me, Sebastian! Say damn 'again with me! You know that you have a family that is worried about you? And your constant lies! "
" Julia, I can, I'll explain. But calm down, please ... "
He would be alarmed do not argue, not again, but speak out at last. Make a clean sweep.
"Yes, go ahead! I hear "
you dropped into a chair, his arms crossed over his chest.
"I ... I was with Thorsten. Not in the fucking Bureau. "
Sebastian slowly raised his eyes, but Julia was only an angry snort heard from again.
"Yes, all weekend, we had no case. We ... - Oh shit, make me the not so hard! Thorsten and I, so we ... "He fell back into
stuttering, it was more difficult than he had imagined.
"You are what? Together perhaps?
Julia's voice was mocking, and his quiet "Yes, I did." Went in the rumble of falling over on the chair Julia had just been sitting up almost under.
"Tell me do you really still ticks all right? You have a family! You have two small children! Or this is your midlife crisis? 're Too slow at the right age for something like that! That can not be serious! "
you jumped up and stood gesticulating in front of him and he would probably most like fists hammering against his chest.
"But I'm serious! And do you think about that because I love my children less? I now am a bad father or something? "
Even if he is made to remain calm, his voice sounded irritated and he pushed through the arms against the counter.
"Not a bad father, but a bad influence you are! What should I tell them to please? , Your father has run away with his colleagues? 'You're crazy but! Go me just out of sight! "
" Oh, and I always thought you were not so crappy conservative as your whole family! Yeah, I'm the bad influence! Then I was but a long time! "
He paused a moment, listening as she breathed deeply.
"How long now huh? How long has this been going, your 'affair, or whatever that is? "
" The interest you at once? Well - Our 'affair' is already four months! But you're probably too blind to notice it! Or have you already knew all the time? "
" Four months? I can not believe you! Last week was your Thorsten but only for eating! "
Mad Tears ran on the cheeks, she wiped vigorously.
"Is this allowed or what?"
"You're such an ass, Sebastian! Get out! 'm Just starting! Pack your things and get out! Just disappear from my life and the lives of my children! "
And not just slap that she missed him, he let the tears in his eyes.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Federal Reporting Periodcredit Report
And here are the Olympic Collection * grin *
First of the 'normal' cards (which, incidentally, every 2.5 to 3.5 inches in size, each on a 3 to 4 inches large paper glued -. just like the previous entry in this I am indeed each a half inch from the ATC gone, but that does not bother me further I found her alone so naked and the back pages so dirty with. colors and Brad's and stuff, so I got it layered together).
This also applies to the following Kärchten. The colors when shooting time has come again not as tingly over. Which are about as original as the mit'm elk, not so pink;)
Here the Aboriginal version:
Home Made 48v Poe Adapter
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Sterling Silver Tiffany Style Necklace Toronto
I'm incredibly angry. so incredibly angry. boar.
someone wrote in a forum
following article in a post on the topic of 'equal adoption rights for gay couples
"Clearly it.
First, there is a genetic as well as an evolutionary reason for mixed gender and second, but sometimes thinks about the poor child! This will have to struggle all his life with it. Damn selfish thinking person. Just because your "must" raise a child "must" beudeutet not mean that a child you would like to have as parents or even in a position to do are. One can also adopt any dog can pair children. This is simply not right "
that's not now your seriously mahonse or
you dogs compare homosexual with hi
were both similar to responsibly
and irresponsible I take it? not.
heterogeneous gender? wtf?
if you only half knew what you talking about, you would have realized from this utterance how many broken families and chance without children there is currently only available in Germany. and partnerships, these maybe the same sex have been? NO. It was not the "evil homo's" the wrong education or even by
garkeine their children the chance to have messed forward to ... their "natural privileges" have accepted without consequences with the following duties and to deal with.
same-sex partners have many years of struggling to adopt to the right, had done long years of paperwork and tackling a completely conservative bureaucracy. they are aware of straight away why they take this fight up, know what is at stake and what will follow if they do it. they therefore have a very different step-consciousness for which they do, it is not the "ops, I'm only level 16 and pregnant. damn, I'll go further to parties and let the child left are "attitude that many heterosexual girls (boys too) have (unfortunately I know some of them personally).
and how it should hurt the child? is it about poor from an early age to tolerance of all people to be educated? is it about proud of his poor parents to be when you realize what all of whom have made through you to provide you with him to be allowed to? I think not.
are in my opinion, there are people like you who receive this intolerance and discrimination erect, without simply think people are not stamped in accordance with their world view as inferior. and it disgusts me, I'm sorry.
imagine would be even before that heterosexual couples are not likely to adopt, it in the bible adam and steve were or whatever. you would not fight so comply or to be allowed to have children? they grow up to see? (I know this is asking a lot from someone your age, but try it just once. Just remember you were even 10 years older ...)
---> I hope the trust feiglich to read the
and react on it. I'd love to castrate the.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Compensationankle Sprain
time day!
Just wanted to try out a technique with Perfect Pearls Which are just in a little box on a shelf for ages now. I bought them, didn't really know waht to do with them and forgot about them. Now I re-discovered them and knew bit more and had to try it out.
Two pics of the same tag in hope that the little details come out in at least one of them.
Also used crackle paint on the little flowers (on the tag, too, but never tried it on the flowers) and sponged Brilliance on them, too. Like what it does to them.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Best Women Sharking Vids
...Tim Holtz' "12 Tags of Christmas", I present you the
Why 13? Well, one for each month of the year and 1 for good luck. Which I totally just made up now.
Once upon a time on a New Year's Eve in 2009, we decided to have a stamping new year's eve and I went to Beate's place for company, food, good times and stamping. What a way to end the year! Since we both like Tim Holtz' stuff, we decided to use Ranger products mostly and the stuff he uses, too, like distress ink pads, the masks, alcohol inks, grunge board, a lot of his stamps. Stuff like that, you get the picture.
New Years was spent to put embellishments, prima flowers and the last finishing touches on them and now they made it to a tag book.
Here it is:
So, what do you think?