Titel: Anders als geplant
Beta: The wonderful , lightning-fast
Fandom: scene Hamburg
characters: Cenk Batu / Uwe Kohnau
Category: PG-13 (pre- slash, if you look really hard)
Warning: It is sugary, even if it is Hamburg.
words: 303
Disclaimer: I own still nothing. Except for a little feedback.
Content: Cenk tries to ignore Christmas, but Uwe has other plans.
AN: The first of several Christmas-FFs. The title belongs to the same Rosenstolz song that I highly recommend.
Cenk is on the sofa in his apartment zaps, listlessly through the television channels. Nothing as trivial Weihnachtsfröhlichkeit that annoy him slowly. His stomach growls. He gets up tired to eat something, even if he only appears as an annoying necessity. His apartment is illuminated only by the pale light of the TV and the empty aquarium. He has bought no new fish, but the pump is running anyway. The noise reassured him in some strange way. In the hall is still his bag with clothes from his last deployment. He has not yet been unpacked. It would only remind him of the bitter defeat he had to answer for. Somehow his cover was exposed and the access of the SEC was to say the least, embarrassing been. Even he could imagine anything better for Christmas.
With a look in the fridge, he notes that there are still no food. Who would want to buy even as he had not been here? Then he must have bread and fried eggs to make do and hope that he does not get food poisoning.
rings Suddenly it to Cenk door. Probably the old man out of the ground floor, which wants him as so often pointed out that he should empty his overflowing mail box. After all, it is impolite Sun
But when he opens the door, stands a red-cheeked Uwe before, wrapped in scarf and cap, and loaded with one of these mini decorated fir trees and a suspiciously full shopping bag. Uwe greets him with a laugh, probably speaks volumes Cenk expression. After all, he has not really expected that Uwe would be spending Christmas with him, instead of this woman, from whom he has told.
"What is it?" The harsh tone of voice but he can not resist it, even though it somehow glad that Uwe is there.
"Christmas, you ass."
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