Friday, July 30, 2010

Kiwi Parade Gloss Colours

Tannöd - Film Review

Today was the big day. I was saying in Tannöd, and I have to, it was worth it!

So, let's start with the movie itself.

It is directly pushed into the plot and the Danner family and the new maid, Mary, who are later found dead on the Murder Farm-yard, are introduced. Right at the beginning where there is gloomy, almost hostile atmosphere and blessed as a viewer you noticed right away that at the Danner family something can not vote.

starts the same time, the second time level, 2 years after the murder on the Murder Farm-yard, Katherine, the daughter of a maid from the village to return to after the Death of her mother to attend the funeral. With their emergence, the murder of the then current and the resulting rumors boil again.

The suspicion is around gelengt on the inhabitants of the village and the atmosphere thickens watching. Mainly by Trudel warriors, the sister of the murdered maid, who burst into the celebration of Kathleen's death and mother expresses suspicions.

by little, mostly by well-used flashbacks, the audience learns of the events on the Danner farm. The father, a cantankerous Patriarch raped his own daughter and has (presumably) two or three children fathered with her, is in debt and is generally very unpopular bei den Dorfbewohnern. Jeder könnte ein Motiv gehabt haben.

Kathrin wird immer tiefer in den Strudel aus Verdächtigungen und aufkochenden Gefühlen gezogen, da sie auch auf eigene Hand Nachforschungen anstellt. Sie beginnt außerdem eine Affäre mit Johann Hauer, dem Sohn der Familie, in der ihre Mutter gearbeitet hat. Zudem kommt heraus, dass sie selbst aus einer 'Affäre' ihrer Mutter mit dem Danner stammt.

Durch eine weitere Rückblende erfährt man letztendlich wer der Mörder ist, zu dem durch die sich teilweise schon überschlagenden Ereignisse und 'Indizien'.

Wer nun der Mörder ist, lasse ich an dieser Stelle offen, wenn es jemand wissen möchte, dann bitte personal message.

To Filip:

So now tell the Fangirl, Part

Well, I better that he did not look quite as good as ever, what could hatben but concerned that his clothes were just totally ugly. Good, but otherwise, good acting performance, also had with as little text as he did. Therefore, it is also hard to believe that he has a Belgian accent, and not even begin to speak Bavarian. Positive well its a howling scene noticed. Yes, the man sitting by the fire and begins to howl like a dog lock. I had to briefly on the lips bite not to squeal too loud. And it was just nice to see him on the big screen.

picture and sound guidance to:

me for precisely that is always a big factor when I see a movie. And here I was again fully convinced.
flashbacks and-now scenes are wonderful visual means, such as differences in color temperature and separated from each other Intenistät so that you keep in sudden cuts on top and it compresses the atmosphere, especially during the flashbacks immensely. Gives them almost a bit surreal, and eerie bedrohnliches.

are very often used in artistic images, for example, often are the pine tree tops or a kind of 'frog eye' showed up at the pine trees. To which is often played with the picture of focus, but never so much that I've seen as disruptive or overly gimmicky, but very beneficial to establish mood and tension.

The soundtrack in this film was purely orchestral music, which was deemed very discreetly in the background, but has nevertheless always accompanied the subliminal scenes. I msste watch the movie again, and probably pay more attention to issues, etc., because this time I too intoxicated by the powerful imagery and the story was, but the music has done well and supports the spooky mood.

That was it then from my side. An up to the last exciting, gripping film that shines with exellent actor and transported this true story incredibly well. Nevertheless, he is probably not for the very faint-hearted among us, as it already carries a high underlying creepiness. Filip and has a 'I carry only a Unterhemd' scene.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Raf Pilot Hayfever Symptom Free

writer's block

Have you ever secretly loved someone you should not have? If so, did you confess your feelings? Any regrets either way?

View Answers

Uhm, it's more like a long time crush and it's kinda weird. I confessed nothing, so there's just little to regret, maybe not confessing .. I dunno

Monday, July 12, 2010

Headache2 Weeks Postpartum

kessel_ksl @ 2010-07-12T21: 31:00

Fine images were you chosen as, Nessa: D

The coke sniffing Snow White. Yes, I've found somewhere once found (probably in the depths of Photobucket) and praise as a standard icon. Shows to me that everyone has a bad side to that you can not live forever. And that no one is perfect and it always (or often) is a blemish, the one often perceives at first glance does not, but who eventually comes to light. How that relates to his own life, can be interpreted any even ...

One of my favorite scene pairs and one of the best scenes: D And the love of Stuttgart are pure, I must mention yes or no extra ... This, in simple love and fangirl-like used for discussions on the two or confidential content.

A (plot) Bunny icon, because I herzallerliebst \u0026lt;3 was intended for discussion or story writer's block or cute things.

A girlish shopping best friends icon. (Write because I could start again what ... The Amazon has delivered ...) For future bragging and girlish with newly acquired consumer

intended for the Büchermeme that I will soon start times should and also I like 'Alice in Wonderland', especially the old series in which it carries such a strange orange dress (which I did but found no icons)

A Grey's Anatomy icon and Fangirlglück: D My favorite series for 'Queer as Folk' (and in some ways also the scene of the crime). Yes, the two most sexiest men Derek Shepard and Marc Sloan or Patric Dempsey and Eric Dane and they are so slashy: D \u0026lt;3 and good looking (? I mentioned this already) and cut out sayings and horny aaw ~ even if they have women's stories they are great and yes ... Moreover, they are happy together bitter, but may also bicker like an old married couple. I love her and I love this series